Lauren S. Lanphear, President & Owner
President, Forest City Tree Protection Co., Inc. and Lanphear Supply Division in Mayfield Village, OH.
Founded in 1910 by Lauren's Grandfather, W. P. Lanphear, Jr.
BA, Hiram College 1979
Double Major - Botany and Religion
Certifications & Qualifications
ISA Certified Arborist #OH-5071A
ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified
Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA)
President - 1993
Chairman Business Development Cmt '89 - '91
Chairman Pesticide Committee '84 - '87
Chairman Past Presidents Advisory Committee '97 – ‘01
Committees: IPM, Awards, Nominating
Chairman Business Accreditation Task Force ‘00
Member, Strategic Planning Task Force ‘02
International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)
Ohio Chapter, ISA
President 1986
Editor, The Buckeye Arborist 1981 - 1991
President – ’07-’09
ISA Certified Arborist #OH-5071A
ISA Tree Risk Qualified
Vice President & Member Executive Committee – ’01-‘05
General Chairman, '96 Annual Conference (Cleveland)
Board of Directors (Chapter Rep.) '94 – present
Chair, Organizational Review Committee ’98 – ‘00
Member, Strategic Planning Committee ’99 – ‘00
Finance Committee (Chair ’00 – ’04)
Executive Director Search Committee ‘04
Ohio Pesticide Applicators for Responsible Regulation (OPARR)
Chairman '85 - '87
Pesticide Public Policy Foundation (3PF)
Chairman '88
City of South Euclid Tree Commission
Chairman since inception in '92 - '14
National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN)
First Detector
American Forests (formerly American Forestry Association)
BNI (Business Networking International) - Hillcrest Chapter
Ohio Landscapers Association
Rotary Club of Cleveland
Society of Commercial Arboriculture (SCA, Professional Affiliate of the ISA)
Arborist of the Year - 2005
Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA)
Award of Merit - 2004
International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)
Honorary Life Membership - 1996
Award of Achievement - 2011
Ohio Chapter, ISA
Buckeye Award - 1987
Award of Merit & Golden Buckeye Award - 1988
Honorary Life Membership Award - 1993
Hiram College
J.J. Turner Society Award - 2015
Citizen of the Year Award - 1989
Ohio Senate Proclamation 1989
Has spoken to professional groups throughout the U.S., Canada, and Europe on Employee Recruitment and Retainment, Tree Fertilization, Hydraulic Sprayer Calibration, Tree Injection, and other relevant topics to: Tree Care Industry Association, Arbor Expo, International Pesticide Applicators Association, Ohio Chapter – ISA and other ISA Chapters, Ohio Turfgrass Foundation, and the Professional Lawn Care Association of America.
Has presented testimony to state & local legislatures & regulatory agencies on pesticide issues. Has personally trained over 1000+ applicators in Micro-Injection and Tree Fertilization techniques.
Has spoken on a variety of tree care topics, both technical & non-technical, to Rotary Clubs, Garden Clubs, schools, and other community & civic organizations.
CO-HOST of radio garden show, "The Root of the Matter" for ten years with Phil Fogarty of Crowley's, 1991 - 2000. Broadcast Saturday mornings, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. during March - September on WELW 1330 AM.
Church of the Saviour (United Methodist), Cleveland Heights
Member since 1969
Administrative Board, Chair ’03-’04
Chair, Capital Campaign ’04
Good News Praise Choir
Sunday School Teacher (Pre-K, Kindergarten, 7th Grade, Sr. High)
Soloist for annual Christmas Eve service(s) for approximately thirty (30) years.
Certified Lay Speaker
Board of Trustees - '89-'94 (President '91-'94)
Grounds Committee Chair '89-'94
League Director, Upward Basketball 2009
Rotary Club of Cleveland
Member since '82 Board of Trustees, '89 - '91
Youth Exchange Committee, Chairman '96 Paul Harris Fellow
Youth Service Committee, Chairman '84 & '89
Board of Trustees '89-'91; '15-'16
Paul Harris Fellow
Rotary Works!, Chair '13-present
Basketball, Softball, Photography, Poetry, Drama, Camping, & Hiking.
Lauren resides in Beachwood, OH. He has a son, William who resides with his wife, Ashley & son, Ben in Beachwood, OH and a daughter, Clare, who lives in Shaker Hts., OH.
Read Lauren's Cleveland's Tree Doctor Blog.